CLUTCH Drummer To Pull Double Duty On European Tour

April 23, 2005

FIVE HORSE JOHNSON will be joining CLUTCH on their upcomning European tour, and CLUTCH drummer Jean-Paul Gaster will be hitting the skins for both CLUTCH and FIVE HORSE JOHNSON, according to a post on CLUTCH's official web site. CLUTCH will be headlining all U.K. shows, and FIVE HORSE JOHNSON will be headlining all other European shows with the exception of a festival in Spain, which is still up in the air. Confirmed dates so far can be found at

CLUTCH have set "Robot Hive/Exodus" as the title of their new album, tentatively due June 21 via DRT Entertainment. According to Gaster, the songs set for inclusion on the new CD "are heavier and bit more 'out there' than [2004's] 'Blast Tyrant'."

CLUTCH are one of 18 bands confirmed for the Sounds of the Underground Tour 2005. The tour is scheduled to run June 25 through the end of July. Sounds of the Underground will be an all-day event with music starting each day at noon and will be held in both indoor and outdoor venues in the U.S. and Canada.

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